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Alok Uniyal’s work consists of a multihued figurative art, rich in colour, full of sprite. There is charm and intrigue in his work as he exposes romanticism with wit and sensuality, employing vibrant colours to unfold his story. He uses layers of paint to acquire the even surface of the background in his work. Treated in his inimitable style, Uniyal figures have an abstract element as the artist paints mask like faces, leaving it to the viewer to imagine the rest.

In this series he is exploring the concept of divine bliss and its expression in all things in nature. The trees, rivers, birds, animals in the artworks are shown displaying their grace and charm which together creates a harmonious symphony. Everything in nature is dancing and singing to a celestial rhythm which pervades the whole universe. Uniyal is inspired by the sutra “Raso vai sah” from the Taittiriya Upanishad which loosely translates to “He is sweetness”. Therefore, the Universe (as depicted in his artworks), which is His creation cannot but be sweet for those who recognise it as His handiwork.


Alok Uniyal

Alok Uniyal

Alok Uniyal

Alok Uniyal

Alok Uniyal

Alok Uniyal

Alok Uniyal

Alok Uniyal

Alok Uniyal

Alok Uniyal

Alok Uniyal

Alok Uniyal

Alok Uniyal

Alok Uniyal

Alok Uniyal

Alok Uniyal

Alok Uniyal

Alok Uniyal

Alok Uniyal

Alok Uniyal

Alok Uniyal

Alok Uniyal

Alok Uniyal

Alok Uniyal

Alok Uniyal

Alok Uniyal